What Should I Do About A Landslide On My Property?

Many landslides are very slow moving and mitigation methods will need to be undertaken before the landslides progress further. Sometimes the landslide will stop moving, but construction activities will lead to the resumption of the landslide's movement and will require certain techniques to stop it.

Areas Prone to Landslides

Areas that are the most prone to landslides are those with hills. Hillsides that are made of fragmented rock are the most likely to experience a landslide. The best way to predict if a landslide will occur is to learn about the history of the property. If there was a landslide in the past, there is a greater likelihood that there will be a landslide in the future.

Rebuilding the Slope

A landslide might require that a geotechnical service, like GeoTek Alaska Inc, rebuild the slope. The services will need to remove the slide debris and continue to excavate until the engineers have reached stable soil. While the slope is being rebuilt, the geotechnical engineers will focus on improving drainage, which will increase the stability of the slope.

Using Synthetic Reinforcements

Another part of landslide mitigation is the use of synthetic reinforcements, which is used when the slope is very steep. Reinforcement methods can include the use of anchors and rock nails. For example, passive anchors are necessary to hold large, but unstable, rocks in place.

Building Retaining Walls

Additionally, retaining walls have been found to be very effective against landslides. A gravity wall has enough mass that allows it to resist the pressure placed on it by the landslide. However, they need more space to construct. If space is limited, a piling wall might be needed. Anchored walls are held in place with cables. Then there are cantilever walls, which have very large feet that hold them in place.

Having Your Property Analyzed

All of the approaches to a landslide are potentially expensive. The least expensive option is to simply do nothing. This is sometimes an acceptable approach, but only if you have your property analyzed by geotechnic services. You will need an expert to assess the risks and determine that your property is not at great risk.

If the risk is considered to be minor, the engineer might recommend that the property be maintained routinely by remove debris, fill in cracks and establishing more structural support. However, these measures might not be enough to stop the landslide, and you may need the engineer to use reinforcements. Contact geotechnic services. If you do not know who to contact, call a local construction company, explain your problem and ask about if they know a geotechnic engineer they can put you in contact with.
